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The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings: Exploring the Benefits

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the importance of regular dental cleanings: exploring the benefits

An integral aspect of taking preventive care of your oral health is brushing and flossing your teeth. It’s simple to follow this daily care regimen that you may accomplish in the comfort of your own home. You can take preventive care for your oral health a step further with dental cleaning in NW Calgary, which will leave you with a happier, healthier, and more attractive smile.

How often should you get a routine cleaning and exam?

Every six months, routine cleaning and examinations are advised. Exams and regular cleanings fall into this window, and they end up happening twice a year. Although your dentist near youmay raise or suggest a different frequency based on your oral health history and current condition, this is a guideline meant to maintain or improve your oral health.

What happens during a routine cleaning and exam?

The dental clinic will welcome you and ask you to complete any paperwork when you arrive for your scheduled cleaning and exam. After that, you’ll get a call and be shown into the examination room. We’ll see to it that you’re comfortably situated and take any required dental x-rays. After checking your teeth and gums, our  dentist in NW Calgary will clean your teeth.

Additionally, you will be able to get a fluoride treatment. Fluoride is a coating that gives your teeth additional defense against bacteria, acid, and sugar in the mouth, which helps prevent decay.

Advantages of routine cleanings and exams

Regular dental cleanings and examinations can give your teeth a feeling of enhanced cleanliness, but they also have a number of other advantages, including:

  • Reduced likelihood of gum disease
  • Reduction of bad breath
  • Diminished discoloration of teeth
  • Removal of plaque and tartar
  • Improves appearance

The methods of professional cleaning

Before starting the cleaning process, the hygienists examine the surfaces of your teeth to look for cavities and even assess the condition of any fillings you currently have. 

Following the initial verification, the hygienist begins cleaning your teeth with a variety of tools in order to get rid of any tartar and plaque accumulation that has solidified. On your teeth, plaque and tartar continue to build. Brushing and flossing are easy ways to remove plaque, but any plaque that stays in your mouth for longer than 48 hours turns into tartar. 

Frequent brushing and flossing will almost never be able to remove tartar, so a skilled dentist is required to remove it. In Canada, plaque and tartar are the primary causes of gum disease, which impacts more than 70% of adults. The hygienist will floss your teeth and use gritted toothpaste to polish them after cleaning. Lastly, fluoride is brushed into your teeth to act as a barrier to prevent cavities.

Dental examinations and cleanings are neither frightening nor agonizing. Regretfully, you can ask your dental hygienist for help if, even during these simple treatments, you become overwhelmed with dental anxiety. To make sure you’re comfortable, a variety of sedative choices could be presented to you.

Additional preventive steps

It’s likely that if you’ve previously had a regular dental cleaning near you, you may have been asked if you’d like to add fluoride to your treatment. It is also possible to take preventive measures for your dental health, such as using fluoride, a naturally occurring mineral that strengthens tooth enamel.

Get Reliable Family Dentistry and Preventive Care; Visit Us

To help our customers maintain the best possible oral health, here at Royal Vista Dental, we offer regular cleanings and examinations. We provide our patients with affordable dental care and are an insurance-friendly office.

If it’s time for your next dental appointment, contact us now! 
